As some may know I've been living in Barcelona, Spain, with my boyfriend and my cat for the past year. It was a big decision, to leave the UK, where I could have started working almost right away, to bet on a project that could have been (and wasn't).
The fact is that I came back to the UK, after a year of getting by, teaching English (and not enjoying it), doing translations (and being jealous of the work other people were doing in science) and even working at a restaurant (where I had the worst working experience of my life). I had almost no money and wasn't able to enjoy the city properly.
I felt very defeated, to be honest, I really thought my qualifications would allow me to find a job in science in Barcelona, even though they are going through a very intense economy crisis and science is paying the price. I was idealistic and naive, I always wanted to live in Barcelona, I wanted to follow my love for the city and my boyfriend and give it a try. The fact is, my relationship worked very well but Spain gave me a big blow.
I found a job in the UK after 1 month of searching. It had been a year since I had left and I couldn't let more time pass by. I was lucky, I know. But even though I'm back in a lab, with a salary, doing research, there was something that made me feel bad. Then I read Nomadic Matt's blog and it changed the way I saw this past year. The fact is, it wasn't I waste of time. I did odd jobs I had never done before, and I know teaching full time is not for me. I also tried living in Barcelona, which was a dream of mine, and even though it didn't work out the way I planned at least I tried, and I wont be thinking "what if..." . I met amazing people I would be friends with for a long time. My relationship with my boyfriend got better and stronger, we realized that no matter what life will bring we can deal with it together.
All in all, I don't regret it, I had hard times, but I also had good times. Now I can say that I tried, and even though I failed, at least I wont wonder what would have been to live in a gorgeous city like Barcelona.
Wish me luck in my new life!
All in all, I don't regret it, I had hard times, but I also had good times. Now I can say that I tried, and even though I failed, at least I wont wonder what would have been to live in a gorgeous city like Barcelona.
Wish me luck in my new life!